Charity Information

Charity Registration

Our Registered Charity Number is 20200526.

Our group has three main objectives:

  1. To recruit & train locally-based volunteers to provide a CFR service to the communities we serve. This involves ongoing costs associated for training, equipment, uniforms, PPE, consumables etc.

  2. To install and maintain Pubicly Accessible Defibrillators (PADs) in strategic locations across our communities. We currently have 13 PADs and this will increase to 16 in 2024. Each PAD costs ~€2,000 to install and ~€150/year to maintain.


  3. To promote awareness, knowledge and skills across the communities we serve through training and education. This includes how to recognise and deal with medical emergencies, such as cardiac arrest, heart attack and stroke.=


Our volunteer group is funded though donations from the public and local businesses, group fundraising activities, and grant awards from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the HSE/ National Lottery.

Annual Plan for 2024

Shankill & Ballybrack Community First Responders adopted the following main objectives


To recruit and train
Community First Responders.


Maintain our inventory
of Public Access
Defibrillators (PADS).


Promote public awareness & education on how to recognise & deal with medical emergencies.


The group must fundraise to ensure the group can achieve its goals for the coming year and beyond.

Items we need to fundraise for include but are not limited to the following:

Replacement Batteries for Public Access Defibrillators.

Replacement Pads for Public Access Defibrillators.

Course Booklet and Training Manuals.

Personal Protective Equipment.

Medical Equipment.

High Visibility Safety Jackets.

Garda Vetting for Members.

As a registered charity we depend on donations from the public, so if you are in a position to make a donation, however small, please click on the below button to make your donation.

Chain of Survival